The Bartolini Have Hit The Road!

Going for a Ride

If there’s one thing we Bartolini enjoy as much as a dish of pasta, it’s a good old-fashioned road trip. So, when one such opportunity presented itself, I shut down the Kitchens, packed up the car, and headed out — to Washington D.C.

Now, I just didn’t pick D.C. as a destination out of thin air. No, the Kitchens’ good buddy and fellow blogger, Jed, recently invited me to guest host at his blog, There he leads a team of sportswriters that covers the world of sports, offering ego-free commentary and well-reasoned conclusions. With every post, each of these gentlemen offers true insight into his respective field of expertise. Sounds pretty good, huh? Yeah? Well, wait! There’s more.

Jed and his wife, Liz, share recipes that are sure to appeal to the latent glutton in each of us. From appetizers to desserts, and all dishes in-between, these two know their way around a stove — and campfire.  And just when you think couldn’t get any better, Thursday arrives. That’s the day that Jed reviews, one bottle at a time, a wide variety of beer and wine. Whether you’re in the mood for a Japanese ale or a Chilean Pinot Noir, not to mention a Wyoming micro brew or whiskey from Utah, this is the place to check before you go shopping for spirits.  Drat! I’ve gotten ahead of myself. You see, every Monday Jed starts off the week with a bit of humor. Think of it as you would a refreshing sorbet, preparing you for his posts to come.

How’s that for a blog? There’s quite literally something for everyone.

So, as you can well imagine, when asked to take part in his  MLB Recipe Series, I could hardly refuse the honor and jumped at the chance. Now, for the uninformed, every Wednesday of the Major League Baseball season, Jed celebrates a different team by offering a recipe that, in some way, is connected to that team. Being a Cubs fan, I contributed my recipe for Jack Brickhouse Chicken, for reasons that will become clear when you follow me to Jed’s place by clicking here to read my guest post. Once you’ve checked out my recipe, be sure to take a look around. You’re sure to find something of interest.

Thanks, Jed, for the honor of participating in your series, allowing me to share a recipe commemorating our Cubs. One of these years …

*     *     *

Regular programming will resume at the Bartolini Kitchens next week, once I figure out a way to explain to Max that we’re not really going anywhere.

Coming soon to a monitor near you …

Asparagus Ravioli made with Duck Egg Pasta

*     *     *

143 thoughts on “The Bartolini Have Hit The Road!

    • I bought the duck eggs on a lark and wanted to see how they compared to chicken eggs. I still don’t know because I recently changed the type of flour I use and I’m still not familiar with it. 🙂


  1. I love Jed, i have no head for sports at all so I visit on Mondays! And if I cannot play the vids (country internet Zia and I sigh) I am back for the beer.. such a great blog, i shall pop over right now and see what you have over there, Max can share my Time Machine. Tell him to meet me at the corner.. c


    • I never send Zia video clips because I know she cannot view them. If anything, I put them on a DVD and bring them with me when I visit. I, too, really enjoy Jed’s blog. He’s assembled a great group of writers & his recipes are always top-notch.
      Max can go with you only if you promise not to show him how to operate your Time Machine. The last thing the World needs is for Max to learn how to operate machinery. 🙂


    • Thanks, Minnie, I’m glad you enjoyed te post and I hope you’ll feel the same way about Jed’s blog and my recipe.
      It sounds like your Son was channelling my Mom when I was 3. 🙂


  2. Ah, Max looks like Luna and Alfi when they get in the car. They have to wear seatbelts on their harnesses for our long trips but love jumping in the back of the pick up to go to the bar (they have a special water bowl there!). Am heading over to Jed’s right now…I was worried when I didn’t see your blog notification this morning. Was about to make chicken soup for you in case you were poorly and confined to your bed. Looking forward to the ravioli, I have my cutter poised!


    • Mas\x has a seatbelt restraint, too, for long trips. He doesn’t like it but it keeps him in one place and I believe it’s much safer for him — and me! Sorry to have worried you. My bad. Jeff posts his entries in the morning, while I post mine at night. Had I realized it sooner, I would have mentioned it in last week’s post. I’ll do better next time. 🙂


    • Max is in that car just about as much as I am. That’s going to change soon, though. The weather is warming up and I won’t tale a chance leaving him in a hot car. We’ll go to doggy beach instead. 🙂


  3. Great post John! You showed that cardinal. At this moment, I have no clue what is happening in the MLB. I stopped watching once my teams were non existent…Astros had a heyday once and The Rockies…umm. I just stick to The Broncos.
    That duck egg pasta look amazing. Can’t wait till next week! Have a great week John!



    • Thanks, Nazneen. The Cubs-Cardinal rivalry goes back to the very beginning of baseball. Once I learned that Jed was a Cardinals fan, I couldn’t resist giving him a hard time. I suppose that if I were following another club, I probably would have lost interest, too. The great thing about the Cubs is that they play here in my part of town. In a previous home, I walked to Wrigley Field. And there’s nothing like watching a ball game on a sunny afternoon at Wrigley.


    • Oh, Sally, that dog is ALWAYS ready to go. He is wired that way. All I need do is reach for my shoes and he runs to the back door. As for the treats, he put on a little weight this past Winter and his treats have been curtailed. I should probably do the same for myself. 🙂


  4. AAAWWWWEEEE…. I think Max deserves a ride to the dog store to pick out a new toy for himself….may I suggest the ORKA Jack from Petstages…. got one last night for our guys and kept our hyper extreme chewer thouroughly amused…..


    • Max gets plenty of rides but I will look for that toy. He has destroyed every single toy I’ve given him. A couple “Guaranteed Indestructible” toys in less than 5 minutes each. The only good thing is that he doesn’t eat the bits and pieces. He just likes to chew the up. Thank you very much for the ORKA tip. I’ll let you know if it’s the first to survive Max. 🙂


    • Thanks, Debra. Jed has a great blog. I think Max is more interested in meeting Bo than seeing the White House. No member of his family has ever met a First Dog. 🙂


  5. That was the perfect chicken and can’t wait to give it a try. And Max reminds me so much of my dog from high school who went off to college with me. Found her on the street and brought her home. She was a honey and that was her name. And she went wherever I went. And LOVED the car!


    • I hope you do try this method when you cook chicken. It will give you some of the crispiest skin possible. Your Honey sounds a lot like Max. I got him as a puppy from a shelter that had saved him and his litter mates. He’s been a handful, at times, but he’s a great dog and companion. I’m sure your Honey was, too. 🙂


  6. There are few things better than a good road trip! I can’t get enough of them. Looks like Max feels the same way. 🙂 I’ve never been to the Jed’s site; although I have heard of him through various other blogs. Sounds like one I may need to become familiar with. I’ll pop over and check out this chicken I’ve been waiting to read about. Go Cubs!


    • You know, Kristy, Max really loves road trips, too, and I’ve been so busy lately. Maybe I could send him to your place and you can take him with you all when you go on your next roas trip. Won’t that be fun?
      Yes, you should become familiar with Jed’s blog, as should Mike. You’ll both find plenty to enjoy there. 🙂


  7. Wow, lucky you! Even though we were just in DC, I find myself a little jealous that you get to go! You will thoroughly enjoy Jed and Liz as they are wonderful hosts and excellent ambassadors to their beautiful city. I am looking forward to see your gorgeous chicken recipe John, I’ll pop right on over now!


  8. Great post, even if you may have misled poor Max just a tiny bit. Hope the guy can take a joke. 😉 I’m looking forward to a *real* road trip later this summer, but for now will very happily keep myself entertained–while awaiting your beautiful duck egg/asparagus ravioli–with a trip over to Jed’s to see what you’ve been up to there. Happy summer fun!


    • Thanks, Kathryn. Don’t worry about Max. He is in that car almost as much as I am, sitting just like he is in the photo. Sometimes I feel more like his chauffeur, driving him to the pet store, the beach, and doggie day care. Yea, he’s spoiled.
      Happy Summer to you, too. 🙂


  9. Sounds like a great combination and a wonderful road trip. Headed to read your guest post now as I sit under a cherry tree in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Ahhh summer !


  10. aren’t you popular?! really good post on sports-glutton, that is some yummy looking chicken 🙂 I have never made it at home, but saw an episode of good eats a long time ago, and I remember this was no easy recipe to tackle!


    • Thanks, Paul. I hope you’ve time to check out Jed’s recipe archive. There’s plenty to love there. This really isn’t a difficult preparation and the results are fantastic. Just get a brick and you’re in!


  11. In Jed’s words, that really does look like some ‘some damn good chicken’ John. Max is on the right hand side, which over here is the correct side, so to me it appears he is driving. And quite joyfully too, with that tongue lolling about.


    • Thanks, Saskia. This is such an easy way to prepare chicken and, if you like it crispy, it can’t be beat. As for Max, I’m convinced that the only thing reason he’s not driving is he lacks an opposable digit. 🙂


  12. Well, do hope Max just thought he was off for a shopping trip down the road where all those interesting smells are! My, he is handsome 🙂 ! But in the next few minutes I’ll be travelling to where the darling did not get to . . .


    • If I remember correctly, Eha, I took that photo one Saturday morning when we were headed to the farmers market. He adores the crossing guard, crying and carrying on until she comes to the car to soothe him. I hope your trip won’t be in vain and that you’ll like Jed’s blog and the recipe. 🙂


      • Hmmm . . . you taught Max well in that case [oops . . .sorry 🙂 ! {sheesh, Eha!!}]! Of course I loved the recipe and the trip over . . .


  13. I really thought you were heading to DC especially since your post did not appear when I signed onto my computer at 7 a.m. today. I too hope you took Max for a spin.
    Checked out your chicken at Jed’s and it sure looks gorgeous and delicious. Not into sports but will be going back to check out his recipes.


    • Thanks, Norma, and I hope you didn’t worry. I’m glad you liked the chicken recipe and bet you’ll enjoy the recipes Jed and Liz have posted. They’ve a real nice collection.


  14. The Brick Chicken is a winner (just like the Cubs)… makes so much sense… I love crispy chicken skin 🙂
    Duck eggs are the best. We had 3 itinerant ducks spend a few days in our neighbours’ and our yards and it was a duck egg bonanza, and they ate all the snails as well. Looking forward to see what you do 🙂


    • Thanks, EllaDee, and I’m glad you liked the recipe. Yeah, the crispy skin is what sold me on this recipe. It certainly suits my tastes. I bought duck eggs the first time on a lark. Once I used them to make pasta, however, and saw the dough’s color, I went back and bought more. The dough is much more yellow than normal. I don’t know whether that’s because the eggs are fresh of from a duck. No matter the reason, I like the result! 🙂


  15. I love the image of the dog ready for his road trip! I’ll pop over to see you at Jed’s place. I wonder if he will allow an Aussie blogger to post about what our rugby teams eat! xx


    • Max is well known for his car rides. He acts far more human than canine. I’m sure Jed would like a guest post from you, Charlie. In fact, he’d welcome you with open arms.


  16. great post! Am not a sports fan so much (not an un-fan either), so am good with the Cubs, but funny story: read a facebook post from a friend today who is stuck at Chicago Midway (on her way to Haiti to do mission work, so we’re talking decent human being here) and (good-naturedly) complained that she had to eat at a “Cub-sanctioned restaurant.” Off to read your blog post now–great gig you got there, John. And Max–handsome dog. Is he the one that would eat my chocolate mint cookies?


    • Friends and I all follow the Cubs but none so seriously that we can’t take a joke. It is, after all, just a game and there are far more important matters to get upset over.
      Yes, that’s Max and he’d eat just about anything he can reach, chocolate mint cookies, too. 🙂


  17. Sounds like a great road trip. American sports are as mysterious to me as cricket may be to you. Strangely enough, cricket is also a mystery to me. The upshot is that you’re going to enjoy a lot of good company, beer, wine and food. Sounds right to me. Have a good trip.


    • It would appear you took the bait, my friend. I didn’t go anywhere but I wrote a guest post for Jed over at his blog. As trips go, this one was utterly uneventful. 🙂


  18. Oh Max, you poor fellow – all ready and nowhere to go – maybe you can ask to be driven around the block, you know, just for good measure.
    Loved your brick chicken over at Jed’s – Pete and I haven’t done that in may years.
    Have a beautiful week John.
    🙂 Mandy xo


    • I didn’t think of the difference in posting times until it was too late for me to do anything about it. Max is something else, all right. He’s actually calming down a bit. Oh, he’s still wired to lay but he takes naps now. It only took 5 years.


  19. it is so much fun to meet a fellow blogger isn’t it? there are so many nice people in the food blogging world…Max is so cute…enjoy your time away…m


    • Thanks, Maria. I’m sorry but there’s been a misunderstanding. My trip was tongue-in-cheek, for I wrote a guest post for Jed’s blog. I wish I could have gotten away and would love to meet Jed and his wife, Liz. 🙂


  20. Wait a minute – you didn’t take Max? Look at him sitting there ready to help you navigate. He like my Lola – the minute I open a car door, she’s in there & believe me there’s no way I can get her out even though she’s a treat freak. If I can’t take her with me, I have to driver her up the street, around the cul de sac & then pretend I’m done.
    This sounds like a great trip & I’d never pass anything like that up either. Thanks for the tip on the blog too – love to find good ones recommended by trusted advisors 🙂


  21. When I cycle in the Wicklow Mountains, I often pass a farm that has a sign, painted poorly by hand, “Duck Eggs For Sale”. Each time I resolve to return in the car. Each time, I forget by the time my tired, ageing, body makes it home. I must get better organised.


    • I’m relatively new myself to duck eggs. I need to buy more to learn more. I must say that I give you credit for all the cycling you do. I steer clear of any path where “mountains” is in the destination’s name. 🙂


  22. Awww…Max is such a cutie! Brandon our son is here visiting for a month and we were just discussing duck eggs today! We ran across them in the local health food store. They were laying right next to huge goose eggs. To be honest, they both kind of grossed me out. Not sure why, I like chicken eggs just fine!

    I’m sure Max is happy as a clam whether he’s going on a real road trip or a pretend one as long as he’s with his dad. Hope you enjoyed yourselves! 😉 ~ April


    • The jury is still out as far as duck eggs are concerned, April. I didn’t really taste a difference with them. I have to use them a few more times.
      Being I no longer work, Max is with me most of each day. If I leave him behind, he cries until he’s sure I’m not coming back. That could be 5 minutes or 30. Most often, I take him with me. It’s so much easier on me and my neighbors. 🙂


  23. Poor Max, he and I both thought you were on the road to D.C.! Your chicken looks fantastic John! I made something similar on Father’s Day. Great job on your post as well!


  24. I’m not starting the car until you put on a seatbelt Max! Oh, you can’t? Well, then back into the house. Nice guest post. It looks delicious!


    • Thanks, Dave. Max does have a harness that uses a seatbelt to secure him. I put it on him when we go to Michigan. It’s safer and keeps him from roaming around the car.


  25. I just wanna hug Max! This was a fun post to read, that I read three days ago on my phone and forgot to comment when i got to my computer. ugh. fail. But nevertheless, I love it. I have to go check out the guest post and that blog. Thank you John.


  26. Woop! What an exciting venture John! I’m heading over to read your guest post now (you got me to read a sports blog?! Haha, that’s something I never do!). Love the photo of Max. He is one cool dog (I love dogs, my husband and I are itching to get one of our own but we live in a shoebox apartment at the moment. Ah, one day!).


    • Thanks, Laura. Yes, Jed’s is a sports blog but he offers quite a bit more than just sports. I remember not being able to have a dog and wanting one terribly. That was one of the reason I bought my home and not a flat. You’ll get the dog of your dreams when it is best for you and the pupster. No doubt about it. 🙂


      • I think I feel exactly the same about a dog right now! But we can’t afford a home yet 😦 You’re right, one day it’ll happen. When the time is right! Thanks John. I checked out Jed’s blog – pretty well rounded! Love your recipe.


    • Thanks, Karen. It’s a great little technique that gets good results. I saw your name and realized I’ve not received any email notifications of your posts. I’d been unsubscribed. It’s taken care of and I’ll be visiting soon.


  27. CJ, you might want to go back to D.C. next week and the week after. There’s a huge multicultural event in the Smithsonian Mall including foods from all over the world. I’m heading to D.C. and might get to the last day or two of it. So many foods, so many new (to me) ideas.


  28. I am not surprised that you tell a story as well as you cook. I have enjoyed your post. Sorry it took so long to comment on it. CONGRATULATIONS on your guest post.



  29. I hope Max got to go to the shops at least. I will go and visit you in DC and see how you are coping over there. See you back here soon


    • Max may be a handful in the car but your 3 have got to be something else. When does the chorus of “Are we there yet?” start? There were 3 of us kids when we went on family vacations and, to this day, I don’t know how my parents did it. You all deserve medals!


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