Flat Ruthie: Miracle Worker (Part 1)

Let me begin by stating that this post is not for everyone. You see, as a Cubs fan, I’m used to being treated with everything from derision to sympathy, and all points in-between. For some, the Cubs and their fans are nothing more than a losing bunch with no redeemable qualities whatsoever. Well, to those people we say, “So, what! We’ve got Flat Ruthie on our side.”

“What’s that?” you say.  Permit me to explain.

Friends and I attend a number of Cubs games every year, win, lose or draw — with heavy emphasis on the first of the 3 choices. Thus far this year, we have seen 5 games but I’m getting ahead of myself.

We brought Flat Ruthie with us for our first game of the season on April 8th against the Washington Nationals. Of course, like every newcomer to Wrigley Field, Flat Ruthie went souvenir shopping.

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Pin Stripes are so slimming.

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Just her size.

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And yes, you read that correctly. The Cubs won.

On April 23rd, we returned to the Friendly Confines for a game against our rivals, the St. Louis Cardinals. Having all the souvenirs a Flat could possibly want, Flat Ruthie decided to just relax and take in the excitement of a Spring Day at the ball park, beginning with a beer at the Captain Morgan Club.

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Flat Ruthie ordering a round from Paige.

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Moments later, Flat Ruthie introduces herself to Captain Morgan, himself!

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Later, during the game, Flat Ruthie and our beer vendor “ignore” each other. Their chemistry was palpable.

 *     *     *

And, yes, the Cubs won that game, too. As of that evening, the Cubs had won only 5 of 17 games and we were present for 2 of them.

We returned to the ballpark on June 12th, for an inter-league game against my old hometown’s team, the Detroit Tigers. Flat Ruthie couldn’t join us. She was touring Ashby de la Zouch, in North West Leicestershire, England, with her friend, Eldritch the Dragon. The Cubs lost by a score of 8 – 4. At this point, the Cubs had won 21 games out of 62.

“That’s all well and good,” you must be thinking. “But what’s this about Flat Ruthie being a Miracle Worker?”

Well, you’ll just have to wait until tomorrow, when Part II is published. Just remember that, thus far, with Flat Ruthie in attendance, the Cubs have won.

 *     *     *

77 thoughts on “Flat Ruthie: Miracle Worker (Part 1)

    • Thanks, Tanya. Flat Ruthie is the flat-ego of my blogging friend, Ruth Hendricks, a photographer and art teacher in Pittsburgh. You can see Ruth’s blog HERE and Flat Ruthie’s blog HERE. Both blogs are among my favorites.


    • I fully understand, Roger, and I’d be thankful, if I were you. You see, the Cubs have gone without winning a championship longer than any team in all of American professional sports, over 100 years. That should give you a little perspective, as unfortunate as it is.


  1. You and Flat Ruthie are becoming constant companions! Can’t blame her – or you – for enjoying Wrigley, whether you win or lose. It’s such a great park…
    Too bad she’s not a Red Sox fan. They’re in SERIOUS need of some magic.


    • Yes, Marie, we really do enjoy going to Wrigley. There’s no better way to spend a Summer’s afternoon with good friends. Granted, I’d love to learn what it’s like to see Wrigley with The Fall Classic being played but, as a Cubs fan, I’ve learned to live with disappointment. As much as I can appreciate your frustration as a Red Sox fan, you have at least won a World Series or two in the last 100 years. 🙂


      • I came late to baseball, having grown up in a football household in the South, so I’m a Sox fan by osmosis. Wrigley is the only ballpark I’ve ever been in, when I was in Chicago for the Food Show years ago. I loved it, and have no problem rooting for the Cubs in almost any game they play. Same with cheering for St. Louis; Hubby was there for Game 3 of the Series (I think) when the Sox played, and the people were so kind and friendly that we can’t help being closet fans. Our guys have been oput of the running since the second week of April, so why not cheer for someone else?


        • Being born in Detroit, I was a Tiger fan until I moved here in 1980. Having 2 teams to chose from, I went with the National League because I do not like the AL’s use of the designated hitter. (Don’t get me started!) Although it lacks many, if not all of the amenities of today’s ball parks, it will be a sad day when they close Wrigley.
          Your guys have been out of the running since April. We’ve been out of it since the close of the 2007 season. I don’t want to even think about our participation, or lack thereof, in the World Series. On the plus side, I placed my name on the waiting list for season’s tickets a number of years ago. When I last checked during Spring Training, I was number 52thousand and something. I’m moving up!


  2. Pingback: Flat Ruthie: Miracle Worker (Part 1) | Cardboard Me Travels

  3. Is Flat Ruthie a friend of Flat Stanley’s. My young nephew in Chicago sent me Flat Stanley to visit Michigan, Grosse Pointe in particular where I know one of your relatives. Anyway, does Flat Ruthie also have a story book and, thus, a story as to how she came to be flat?


    • Hi, Nancy! I don’t believe that Flat Ruthie has a storybook. She’s pretty much a new-comer when compared to Flat Stanley, though they are cut from the same cardboard. I’m not sure if they’ve crossed paths but, whenever I’ve pulled out Flat Ruthie for a photo, an onlooker will always mention hosting Flat Stanley and everyone, without exception, plays along and agrees to having a photo taken with her. It really is something to see.
      If you wish to read more of her travels, click HERE to go to her blog.


        • I missed a golden opportunity to do just that, Norma. The game that Ruthie missed, I literally bumped into the Cubs owner, almost in the exact same spot my Friend caught the ball weeks later. Not to worry. She’ll be with me for every game now and when I see him next time, we’ll give him our best pitch! 🙂


  4. Flat Ruthie is fabulous!!! You simply must bring her to every Cubs home game. I adore this post! Talk about LOL. I love the photos, especially the one of her and the beer vendor…the caption is too funny!!! I am so relieved I am not the only one who brings their little “friend” to places. For me, (Hubby thinks I’m insane), it’s a little stuffed SPAM guy we found at the Spam museum in Austin, MN. He’s great for pictures, lol. Spammy and Flat Ruthie should meet one day….at Wrigley! Go Cubbies!


    • I thought you would enjoy these posts, Sarah, and am glad I wasn’t wrong. Just wait until tomorrow!
      Funny thing. The game that Ruthie missed, I literally bumped into Tom Ricketts, the Cubs owner, just a few feet from the scene of tomorrow’s miracle. He attends all of the games and I’m on the look-out for another photo op. Now, that would be a miracle!
      Yes, it would be nice to get these two crazy kids, Ruthie and Spammy, together. I must insist upon chaperoning, though. We just cannot be too careful. 🙂


      • LOL!!! It’s true, Spammy is very mischievous. Ruthie looks like she can handle him though, but a chaperone is a great idea. You’re hired!

        Wow! Ruthie meets Tom Ricketts in the next episode? I’ll bet she was upset she missed him. You can bet we’re looking forward to part 2 over here! I love this!

        I hope you didn’t take the brunt of the storms this afternoon, it looked like Chicago took another big hit. Hope you’re safe and sound!


        • This area was spared seemingly. Power didn’t go out and I’ve not heard of any damage. Well, one of my potted tomato plants was toppled. This is but the latest in a series of indignities foisted upon my poor tomato plants. Like the Cubs, wait until next year! Thanks, Sarah, for your concern. 🙂


    • Yes, Barb, the Captain asked Flat Ruthie if she knew you. I didn’t wish to mention it, discretion being the better part of valor, and all. He’s well, though, and hopes that you are, too. 🙂


  5. I was given a Flat Stanley on a temporary basis…looks like you and Ruthie are in it for the long run! Lucky girl gets to go to all the fun places! And it looks like she’s your good luck charm!!


    • Oh, Linda. Though you’re correct, she’s quite the lucky charm, heavy is the pocket that carries this Flat. Just imagine if I forget to bring her to a game. Not only do the Cubs lose but my friends will be very upset. I don’t even want to think of how many beers it will take to make it up to them. 🙂


    • I know what you mean, Charlie. Ridiculous though it may seem, I’m often jealous of the life she’s leading and the places she tours. Of course, if I could travel around the world and it only cost the price of a first class stamp, she’d be jealous of me. 🙂


    • As unexpected as it may seem, whenever Flat Ruthie is posing for pics, onlookers come over to ask about her. Most are aware of her predecessor, Flat Stanley, and are willing to share their stories. The rest are just curious and want to know what someone like me is doing with a cutout. Oh, yes. There is one other person but you’ll learn about him in Sunday’s post. Stay tuned …


  6. Wrigley is hands down the best ballpark that Liz and I have ever seen game in and it was Cubs vs Pirates 4 years ago. The history, the scene, the Old Style, and the dogs….bring it! And you just had to rub it in that your Cubs beat my Cards didn’t you?


    • I know of no one, Jed, save White Sox fans, that do not consider Wrigley Field a gem. There’s something about sitting in Wrigley, Old Style, obstructed views, and all, that is just about as perfect a setting for a baseball game as can be — minus a championship team, of course. Wait a minute. We did see a championship team play there this year .. and beat them soundly. Come to think of it, that was a perfect day. 😉


  7. Oh John your just way too Italian!! Italians on sports are so superstitious. My husband, whenever he goes to the stadium to watch a Roma soccer game on his scooter, always take the same exact road. He says it brings luck to La Roma!


    • You know, Ambrosiana, I never realized it but for the past 10 or so years, I’ve always taken the same path and then train to the stadium. Your husband may be onto something here. I need to talk to my friends to see if they, too, get to our rendezvous spot by following the same path. This could be huge, Ambrosiana!!! Thank you! 🙂


  8. This is a “make me smile” story! I love Flat Ruthie…I’m thinking she may need to visit California sometime in the next few months! I’d be a very good host! But you need to bring her to more games first. The guys in my family did go to a Dodgers/Cubs game at Wrigley in May, and they had a wonderful experience. My husband just loves baseball…he’s a Dodgers fan, but appreciates the Cubbies nonetheless! I’m glad Ruthie had such a good time! She’s a fun gal! 🙂 Dbra


    • I’m so glad to read that the Story of Flat Ruthie moved you to smiles, Debra. She has that effect on people, no matter where we go. She’s even changed me. I can now overlook your husband’s support for a team other than the Cubs — so long as it’s not the Cards, Yankees, White Sox, or Brewers. I’m a new man and it’s all because of Flat Ruthie.
      Now, if you wish to host this Fabulous Flat, all you need do is click HERE and you will be taken to an info page on Flat Ruthie’s blog. Her alter-ego, Real Ruth, will send Flat Ruthie to you. Be prepared, though, for what could be a life-altering experience.


  9. I’m getting quite nervous…we have yet to get to a game this summer. Not a good thing. That will make two summers in a row which I think are the first two years since we’ve been married that we have not been to a game. Urgh. Maybe there’s still time. 😉 Now on to part II…the suspense is killing me.


    • 2 years with no baseball game? No Wrigley Field? Something must be done, Kristy! There are still plenty of games left and, with the Cubs playing so poorly, you can often get tix at a reduced price. We’ve had some good luck on StubHub. I’ll ask Flat Ruthie to help you. 🙂


  10. Love the post and love baseball even being a Texas Rangers fan. I can see that Flat Ruthie is a well traveled woman who is loved and admired by all. But you haven’t told us what dog (not talking about the Cubs or “de Bears”) she likes the best. I am anxiously awaiting Part 2.


    • Thanks, Richard. That is another odd part of this Tale. Flat Ruthie was, to the best of my knowledge, a Pirates fan. Whether she has switched allegiance or was just plain moved by the sorry state of the Cubs franchise, I’ll never know and won’t ask. It just isn’t polite to look a gift Flat in the mouth. I hope you enjoy Part 2. 🙂


    • Hello, Sawsan. With her success record, I fear my Friends’ reactions should I forget and leave her at home. Now on game day, as I leave my home, I check for keys, phone, wallet, tickets, AND Flat Ruthie!


  11. I was certain I left a comment here yesterday, but alas we are at te cottage and 3G is relatively weak so perhaps it got lost in the forest!
    So it wasn’t the goat after all!


    • Ah, yes, the goat. With all evidence to the contrary, I’m not at all superstitious and think the “goat thing” to be ridiculous — but it did make a fortune for that restaurant. Poor management and uncaring ownership have more to do with their sorry state than anything else. We have new ownership now and we’ll see if they can turn things around. At least now, though, they have Flat Ruthie on their side. 🙂
      PS … I saw your goat comment over on Flat Ruthie’s blog.


      • Ahhh, that makes sense, I thought I was losing my mind! On one of our first trips to the Windy City (it’s got to be about 15 years ago) we stopped at that restaurant and had a beer. It was OK, but there is little you can screw up with a beer.


  12. I was very tempted to rush ahead to Part II but I know and sometimes even play by the rules! Our Blazers could use some of that Ruthie magic, but in the meantime, go-ooo Cubs! (loved your post John!)


  13. Pingback: The Flat Olympics | Promenade Plantings

  14. Pingback: Who’s a Brit for a Day at the Olympics? | Cardboard Me Travels

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