2015 Ends with a Bang … er … an eBook!


Agno all lind up post

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I am very happy to let you all know that our family cookbook, “Recipes from the Bartolini Kitchens”, has (finally) been converted to Kindle format. It is now available on Amazon Kindle sites the world over.

You can find links to the Amazon websites for the countries where our book is being offered on the Cookbook page, the icon of which is located under the blog’s banner photo. For you convenience, you can reach it by clicking HERE.

If none of the listed options appeal to you, the cookbook is now available at Barnes & Noble Booksellers. as well. That information is also on the Cookbook age.

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As I’ve said before, thank you all for your encouragement and support.

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83 thoughts on “2015 Ends with a Bang … er … an eBook!

  1. I started reading… finally, after completing our house move… while laying on the futon in the sun on my verandah the Kindle copy I bought via amazon.com.au 🙂 Perfect summer holiday reading… and inspiration for cooking.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats, dear John! Again a huge effort done, isn’t it? – I maybe will start an employment (for short only) in January, so I finally could afford buying your book via Amazon… 😀 – Will see though, I’ll get the details per monday next week…

    Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much, Irmi, both for your words of encouragement relating to my book and for the well wishes for the new year. It feels good to have this, the book’s final chapter, completed and put “out there”. There were times when I thought this day would never arrive.
        I hope that you, Irmi, and your loved ones enjoy true happiness and good health in the New Year.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Ronit. It’s good to have choices. I use the Kindle version in my smart phone on those occasions when I forget to take my grocery list to the store. Embarrassingly, this happens far more than I care to admit. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a wonderful Christmas offering . . . which already seems to have borne fruit! Don’t have a Kindle and love my hard copy, but already for the high postage costs to many parts of the world . . a great fast way to access your work! Being the 29th here may I hope you have a very happy end of year and talk to you I in the new one . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really had tried to get the Kindle version out in time for Christmas, Eha, but the conversion took much longer than I expected and, even then, there were problems. That’s old news, though. Now it’s time to get on with the new year. I hope 2016 is a very good year for you, filled with much joy and good health!


    • Buona notte, BAM! Thanks and I hope you’re not disappointed. To keep costs manageable, the photos are all B&W, a necessary evil.
      My wish for you and your men is that 2016 be a happy and healthy year for you all!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think it’s great you’re able to offer your cookbook in an e-format. The first time I bought a Kindle version of a cookbook I was skeptical that I’d like it. I gave it a try just to save a few dollars, but I quickly learned how much I appreciate being able to pull up the recipes from any one of my “gadgets” and the cookbook travels with me. I’m now a fan of both the space saving element and the ease! I’ve been known to stand in the middle of a grocery store thumbing through cookbooks on my phone as I think of something and need an ingredient list! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Debra, and I couldn’t agree more. Far more times than I care to admit, I take time to write a grocery list only to discover, upon entering the store, that the list is at home on my desk. With cookbooks on my smartphone, I can still shop for dinner without relying upon my obviously faulty memory.I also find it easier to use my iPad in the kitchen than a book. Well, so long as I place some plastic wrap over it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy New Year and… Congratulations!!! It seems like this year is starting off well for you and I hope it will continue! Tomorrow it’s the day of the “Befana” and I’ll have time to go and have a look if I can find your ebook in the German Amazon… fingers crossed. Well done again! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much and I hope you’ll like my book. You should be able to find in on Amazon-Germany but, if you cannot, please let me know. It means that something is wrong.
      I wish you every happiness in the New Year!


  6. Congratulations, my friend. You do understand why I won’t be commenting on your next post, all due respect. I still have to get my act in gear and order the print version but every time I get down to it something pops up and distracts me. I hope this light snowy weather hasn’t affected you in Chicago too much; we got a light dusting last night, not enough to shovel thank goodness. I’ll just leave it at that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Eva. No worries about the next post. I’m actually surprised that it’s been as well-received as it has. You may like to know that it is the only one of its kind in our recipe repertoire. 🙂
      We’ve been pretty lucky so far this winter, although an arctic blast will arrive tonight. Well, it had to get here sooner or later. Just so long as it doesn’t decide to stick around for a while. Hope it misses you guys.

      Liked by 1 person

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