The Bartolini Have Left The Building!

Yes, it’s true. The Bartolini kitchens have moved — for today only.

Recently, a blogger buddy, Jed, asked if I wouldn’t mind stopping by his place,, while he was away covering the AT&T Pro Am at Pebble Beach. Well, if there’s one thing you should know about this Bartolini, besides his undying love for pasta and intense hatred for spiders, is his fondness for travel. So, when Jed asked me to come for a visit, I couldn’t say “Yes!” fast enough. And I must say I love being here.

First and foremost, Jed’s is a blog about sports and sporting events. If something is happening within the World of Sports, Jed will take us there, not only reporting the event but explaining its significance in “the big picture.” This would be more than enough to keep most sports bloggers busy but not our Jed. In addition to these reports, Jed shares delicious recipes guaranteed to appeal to the glutton in all of us. Now, Jed understands that there’s more to life besides sports and eating.  So, he offers his critiques and ratings of select beers and wines in his Thirsty Thursday series of posts. And, finally, to help us all start our week off on the right foot, Jed serves up a little Monday Morning Humor each and every week.

Sporting news, tasty recipes, expert advice on beverage selection, and a bit of humor, has it all. So, please take this link to see my Pastistio Recipe and then take some time to look around and check out You will not be disappointed.

Thanks, Jed, for giving me this opportunity to fill-in for you, even if only for a day. Oh! I almost forgot. It looks like someone broke into your wine cellar last night and stole a few bottles. They must have been real professionals because Max didn’t move all night long. Gotta run.

*     *     *

54 thoughts on “The Bartolini Have Left The Building!

    • Aw, thanks, Linda. The best thing about this recipe is how well it freezes. I’ll make a batch, freeze most of it in individual servings, and then have a dish of it whenever I want. It’s well worth the effort.


    • Wine gremlins? I had no idea they existed but, I’m having a weird kinda premonition that, if ever given another opportunity like this one, some of those li’l devils will be making an appearance. I just feel it.


  1. Ooh you gave me a shock, I thought service was being stopped on this channel for a moment! Phew, am off to Jed´s for a look round (I love his blog)…and what a shame about those naughty wine cellar thieves 😉


    • Well, if he wants some of my pastitsio, he will have to don a Cubs cap or something. That’s right. He’ll have to put away the Red Sox stuff and be a Cubs fan for a day or go hungry. It’s a tough World, even for favorite late night hosts.


  2. What a great guest post John! A wonderful introduction to a blog I’d never visited before this morning, but will again! and oh! what a great recipe, one i can already taste and can’t wait to try! Bravo and Opa!


    • Thank you so much, Spree. On Jed’s site, you mentioned skipping the lamb in favor of more eggplant. I think that’s a great idea! What I really enjoy about this dish is the use of the cinnamon, oregano, and cloves, giving the dish an authentic Greek flavor profile. And if you’re a pasta lover, it really doesn’t get much better than this!


    • Exactly! Having a couple individual serving-sized portions in my freezer is so convenient. On a cold Winter’s day, while my oven is heating both my kitchen and a serving of pastitsio, I’m making a salad and, before you know it, dinner is served. You can’t beat it.


  3. I love Jed’s site even though I’m not a huge sports fan because as you’ve stated, it’s a surprisingly diverse (and fun) site. Also loved your recipe for the pastitsio and that’s a super concept shot above! You could probably sell that one to an ad agency for a bundle, John!


    • Yes, Betsy, Jed has a great site, very well-balanced. His beer and wine critiques are always well-written and informative. I’m glad you liked the recipe but, I must admit, I didn’t take that photo. I splurged last Summer and created a small account at a stock photo site for just such an occasion. Since then, I’ve used it a couple times and, what I like most, is that I’m not “stealing” anyone’s work. And whoever came up with that photo and concept probably did make a bundle, Betsy! 🙂


  4. Congratulations John, it’s such an honour to be invited to blog on someone else’s site. As you know, I am not a huge follower of sports, any sports, but I do enjoy Jed’s blog; the monday morning humour (to which I have contributed!), the recipes and the wine and beer reco’s…all extremely enjoyable. I am going to pop on over there and check out your post! See you soon.


    • Thank you, Eva, and I do feel honored that Jed would ask me to watch his place while he’s away. His Monday Morning Humor posts are funny by themselves but are made better because others, like yourself, contribute videos with that day’s theme. I never fail to leave there on Monday without a smile. I hope you like my recipe for today.


  5. The pastistio looks so good, mmmm! Your friend Jed’s blog sounds so intriguing … it’s the combination of interests that caught my attention. I’ll definitely check it out. Got a kick out of Max’s escapades during your guest post … reminded me of my good buddy Benny, my goofy Black Lab who was always up to something or other (he lives with my son now, so presumably he’s wreaking havoc over at his house!).


    • Thanks, Mar. I hope you do check out Jed’s stake in the blogosphere. His beer & wine reviews alone are “worth the price of admission.” Sounds like Benny & Max are, somehow, related. He’s pulled enough stunts to drive me to distraction but I’m writing that knowing I wouldn’t trade him for the World. Your home must’ve seemed really empty without both your Son & Benny gone. 😦


  6. I’m starting to introduce my husband to a few choice sites, so I’ll share Jed’s blog with him! He’ll like that. Since we’re talking sports, I’ll tell you now that my husband, son and son-in-law are all coming to Chicago to a Dodgers-Cubs game in May! I haven’t mentioned to them that I have been behind-the-scenes rooting for the Cubs along with you…I may need to curtail that, huh? So good for you for stepping in for your friend…sounds like a fun thing to do! It’s amazing how we can all move around without borders, isn’t it? 🙂 Debra


    • I’ll be going to Cubs games in April & May but, alas, the Dodger series isn’t part of the package. I bet your husband will like Jed’s site. His sports reporting is top-notch. His recipes are great, as are his beer and wine reviews. Jed really does have a little something for everyone. It was an honor filling in for him and you’re right. This borderless blogosphere is really something!


  7. Jed has a great blog and couldn’t have picked a better person to do a guest post. I loved the photo of the mouse and like Tanya…thought you were having problems with your blog.


  8. Pingback: Puzzle Pieces Assist Flat Ruthie in her Travel Planning | Cardboard Me Travels

  9. This is just “over the top” and with the layers of color and that cinnamon it is perfect for Valentine’s Day!! I’m copying and saving this one… Just when I think I’ve read about every sort of pasta dish you “knock one out of the park” … thought I’d through in a little sports metaphor here since it’s Sportsglutton’s page… Now I’m going to post this comment over on your page as well? Not sure how this all works! xo Smidge


    • Don’t worry, Smidge. I don’t know how these things work, either. This recipe, though, really does work for me. I love to make it on a cold Winter’s day. The kitchen warms up and is filled with a wonderful aroma. I hope you do try it. 🙂


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