
Click the link below to translate from the Bartolini kitchens into the language of your choice:

Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian
Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bulgarian
Catalan Chinese (S) Chinese (T) Croatian
Czech Danish Dutch Estonian
Filipino Finnish French Galician
German Georgian Greek Hebrew
Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian
Irish Italian Japanese Korean
Latavian Lithuanian Macedonian Malay
Maltese Norwegian Persian Polish
Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian
Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swahili
Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian
Urdu Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish

Please note that this translator will only translate from English to any of the languages listed. It will not translate any other language to another.

With thanks to the timethiefand her contributions to the WordPress forum.

9 thoughts on “Translation

  1. Wonderful blog addition, John! Thanks for sharing the links to I was able to get connected too. It did take me close to a 1/2 day to figure it all out, but I believe I’m up and running now. 🙂 Thank you again…


    • I’m glad you were able to install it, Nancy. I wish you had sent me an email, for I may have been able to save you some time. Thanks for coming back to let me know of your success. 🙂


  2. Awesome! John, is this easy to do? I can barely understand computer terminology as it is but I’d love for my blog to be able to be translated into all these languages too if it’s not too time consuming for me. Are there simple instructions somewhere? Thanks.


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